Simon A  

Featured Mentor  

Head of Financial Markets, Traded Products, Sales and Treasury - Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets


My background is financial markets particularly in traded products and treasury. I have managed trading rooms and treasury operations in the UK, Europe and Asia and traded many asset classes over the years including foreign exchange, interest rates, money markets, equities and commodities.

I have been treasurer and head trader, registered and approved under regulators in the UK, EU and Singapore and sat on the GFXD industry body advocating on behalf of the foreign exchange industry.

I was part of the senior management team, sat on the ALCO, EXCO and risk co's and was accountable executive for Financial Markets and treasury including liquidity management.

I have recruited and built high performing teams and mentored graduate entrants and new recruits as they have looked to build careers in financial markets and treasury.

I have worked for large UK, European and North American banking institutions during my career and maintain a wide network of industry contacts around the world.