Andrew L  

Featured Mentor  

Highly Accomplished Global Fixed Income Leader with 30+ Years Experience - Ex- Mizuho Securities/RBC Capital Markets


Highly accomplished fixed income trading and debt syndicate professional with 35 years experience gained in both London and New York with major global financial institutions. I was recently Managing Director, Head of Investment Grade Credit Trading & Research and a member of the Fixed Income Division Management Committee for Mizuho Securities USA, part of Mizuho Financial Group and one of the largest banks in the world.

I started my career in fixed-income sales with Chase Manhattan Bank in London before moving into various credit trading and debt syndicate positions. This included roles with Paribas Capital Markets (now BNP) where I managed Global New Issue Trading, Head of European Debt Syndicate at Yamaichi International and various senior positions with Dresdner Kleinwort Benson (now Commerzbank), including Head of US$ Corporate & SSA Trading and Head of US$ Syndicate before moving to New York in 1999 as Head of U.S Corporate Bond Trading & Debt Syndicate. Since then I have also enjoyed senior roles with a number of major firms including Societe Generale, ABN Amro, RBC Capital Markets, Mizuho Securities USA and SMBC Nikko.