Quill Capital Partners  /  Explore Mentors  /  John-Mark P

John-Mark P  

New Mentor  

Portfolio Manager - Millenium


o Twenty years of portfolio management experience with significant expertise in both index and
bespoke portfolios in equities and fixed income
o Specialist in option and hedging strategies across a variety of asset classes. Inducted into the
EQDerivatives Volatility and Alternative Risk Premia Investing Hall of Fame in 2018, and a
regular presenter at the CBOE Risk Management conference.
o Experience with most major global asset classes, with a particular focus on publicly traded
securities and derivatives.
o Quantitative valuation experience across a variety of fixed income and derivatives assets.
o Risk taking experience across a variety of market regimes including the equity bubble collapse in 2000s, the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent quantitative easing, and the 2020 Covid


$500.00 / month

Unlock Your Potential with Expert Guidance Personalized mentorship to help you reach your goals

  • Up to 2 calls per month
  • Unlimited Q&A via chat
  • Expect responses in 48 hours or less
  • No tasks or exercises provided
  • Flat fee, no hidden costs
Apply now


$1,000.00 / month

Propel Your Career with Tailored Mentorship Ongoing support to take your career to the next level

  • Up to 6 calls per month
  • Unlimited Q&A via chat
  • Expect responses in 12 hours or less
  • Customized tasks & exercises based on your goals
  • Flat fee, no hidden costs
Apply now


$1,200.00 / month

Accelerate Your Growth with Top-Tier Mentors Elevate your career and achieve success with the best in the business

  • Up to 8 calls per month
  • Unlimited Q&A via chat
  • Expect responses in 6 hours or less
  • Customized tasks & exercises based on your goals
  • Priority access to mentor's network and resources
  • Flat fee, no hidden costs
Apply now